The rich program has been prepared during the three-day bike-logistics conference by 37 speakers from more than 10 European countries. As a delegate a specialist for transport development of the City of Prague Mgr.Sylva Švihelová was welcome.
Zero day we attended in San Sebastian a guided city tour and also visited consolidate center Txita. By the way we enjoyed approximately one kilometer long bike-tunnel, which connects the city center and the west part of the city. The tour was ended by supper in the old town of Constitución plaza, where other than pedestrian traffic was not allowed. Participants could either locked their bikes in the racks at the Boulevard and Zumardia or passed into their bags and bring inside a restaurant.
The first day of lectures in the background at the Hotel Silken Amara Plaza, we were able to listen capacities as such. Prof. Dr. Cathy Macharis from the University of Brussels and Karl Reiter (FGM - Austrian Mobility Research, Graz).The speech was, of course, about what is the right proportion in the environmental impact, especially in cities, and by what means can mitigate the negative effects. It was highlighted that the transport is responsible for a quarter of CO2, NOX-third and one-third of dust particles. Introduced was also the application of tools and steps that should reduce noise, vibration, the number and consequences of accidents which are connected with other social problems such as stress and so on. They were shown directions, which is moving European urbanization and last but not least, what are the new trends in logistics.
The following days were devoted to presentations by representatives of cities, research institutes, logistics companies, manufacturers of bicycles and especially workshops where participants could choose from two program rooms. There came up our supply about usage of photovoltaics on cargobikes by presenter Michael Polak. He also presented his experiences from this year's race SunTrip.
While we were in the basement at a lively discussion during refreshment and admire various cargo bikes among the tables, thanks to the sunny weather reloaded our solar prototype CykloTruck CT3. There were people around cycling for work, shopping but also for the sport, like a surfer carrying board under his arm.
From the Czech Republic courier company came as well. He presented his system called Ordr of food delivery in Prague using cargo bikes. There were also represented Slovakia (Švihaj Šuhaj), Hungary (Hajtás Pajtaš) and Ukraine (Delfast) as our east neighbours.
Sample Pictures presentations of the first conference day, full text download here.