Velo Berlin - ICBF
The International CargoBike Festival was held this year for the first time in Berlin and because there was really a lot to show, the Tempelhof Airport was the right place to choose. Not only Radkutche and Urban Arrow are clear about the fact that it goes without diesel too. However, in the streets of Berlin, it was obvious that it goes without electricity and no helm for children. The next couple of pictures try to capture the relaxed atmosphere not only at the venue of the festival. Female cargo races with frosted hair, cargobikerecycles (bicycles made up of used bicycles or parts), gardening colony and the widest cycle path across the southern city. Even though our solar special had to turn in front of Dresden because of the burned solar power control unit, which did not understand the regenerative braking from the hills in Bohemian Switzerland, we have a lot of data to analyze. What could not be captured was Saturday's cycle ride around 300 cargobikes in the streets of Berlin's early evening. Perhaps next time we will be able to participate with some of our machines at full speed.
ECLF Berlin 2018
Delivered by bike! Cycle logistics is taking carbon and air pollutants out of last mile deliveries in cities across Europe. Combined with new logistics schemes, modern cargo bikes can offer reliable urban logistics on a large scale.
The Berlin Symposium of the European Cycle Logistics Federation (ECLF) is a key European professional event of cycle logistics experts. The programme includes presentation by cycle logistics operators, cargo bike manufacturers, researchers and the Berlin Senate.
Wedding on bikes

If somebody loves bicycles so much that they make a honeymoon or promenade on them, then cargokolo can be a choice. Vendy and Michal convinced us about it in the rainy weather. See more on
CargoBikeFest 2019

The logistics of backed up containers
The logistics of backed up containers make sense to do through sustainable transport. Washing is done in special dishwashers and there is a need for transport of each container after its use. At the Christmas market in the center of Brno therefore operates the Shakal 3C freight tricycle, which is equipped with a platform for 8 boxes of 400 containers and with a trailer attached to each other up to 5,600 vessels. Náš Ježíšek hired a vehicle to test from Bajkazyl. He uses freight bikes to supply his warehouses, bicycles and parts delivery, mobile workshops, and much more. They participate in cargobikes development and thus help to make way for more accessible cycling logistics in the Czech Republic.
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